Recruitment Management System
The recruitment process requires a lot of time and effort from the HR official to select the right candidate for the required job, due to the reception of an infinite number of resumes and certificates that need to be carefully examined, in addition to the interviewing phase, and many inconsistencies with job requirements.
The recruitment management program comes to implement the steps of the recruitment process automatically with some basic features:
Supporting E-Recruitment
The recruitment process now mainly depends on advertising on various platforms, so the recruitment management program in the SST system supports job advertisement by publishing job requirements with one click on the company’s own website and professional sites such as LinkedIn or employment sites such as Wafd and or social media sites such as Facebook, where you can enter all the required data inside the program and choose the platforms you want to publish on.
Automatic Filtering
The Recruitment Management Program helps you reduce the effort spent in selecting candidates through question questionnaires, as the program automatically filters candidates by a pre-determined percentage to answer questions if they are multiple choice questions, while open-ended questions contain a specified number of characters to answer for easy filtering of them to suit work requirements within an organization.
After the questionnaires, the second stage comes, which is an automatic CV examination through the requirements criteria such as years of experience, educational certificate, language, and others according to the requirements of each job and each company.
You can provide an online test through the program after examining the submitted job applications and filtering candidates, as this test qualifies the candidates to the final list for an interview. It could be a language test, an intelligence test, or a job technical test.
Happy Recruitment experience
Usually, when the job candidate receives a reaction from the human resources official, whether by acceptance or rejection, it gives him the impression of the professionalism and seriousness of the organization, in addition to the impression resulting from going through a systematic recruitment process.
After the filtering stages are complete, the program helps you to automatically send customized automatic e-mails at each stage to the candidates, whether by acceptance or rejection, with the content of the e-mails pre-determined through the program.
Integrated analysis
The role of analysis follows the core functions of the program from managing, attracting and hiring new employees, to assess the effectiveness of the recruitment process by managing and tracking the interactions of the recruitment process with department heads and recruitments agents. As it always requires from the recruitment department within the organization not only to assign competencies, but to document each step and a detailed report on the recruitment cycle of applicants, candidates on the waiting lists and selected candidates so that the data is used in future job applications and in the development of the recruitment process.
Eventually, the results of the analyzes and the overall process assessment can contribute to setting performance standards and sourcing suitable people for the jobs.